Chances are, there’s something you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t found yourself taking action. So, I’ve got a list of 3 reasons this may be happening. Don’t be frustrated with yourself, just seek to understand yourself through the process.
1) You have knowledge but no desire.
You have knowledge but not desire. You may desire the result, but you have to desire the action. For example, someone has told me for weeks that they want to exercise, yet they still haven’t done it and aren’t sure why. After some digging, it came out that this person had all the knowledge for why exercise would benefit them, yet they had no desire to actually exercise. While knowledge is power, it’s not action. So, we found a reason for why this person wanted to exercise - and the reason can’t be weight loss. Research has shown that weight is not a great motivator, and I’m get to see anyone who’s staying on track with their goals if this is the reason.
2) You're goal isn't a behavior
We can’t necessarily MAKE something happen. Results aren’t always 100% up to us. However, the behavior to get there is. For instance, don’t just say “My goal is to get healthier.” Health isn’t exactly a behavior. Say instead “I’m going to eat more fruits and vegetables every day to improve my health.” Boom - something you actually can achieve that’s 100% in your ballpark.
3) You have potty mouth about your goals.
No, I don’t mean curse words, but rather, your language is negative and nothing that makes it exciting. You won’t want to do anything that you call “work” nor anything unnecessary you refer to as a “need.” “Try” keeps the door of failure open, and “should” should be consider a dirty s word. I know you already work enough as it is and you have plenty of things you actually need to do. No wonder you’re not doing it if you see it as another obligation. Make it something you WANT to do, and make sure your language reflects that. Instead of “I need to exercise to improve my health,” it’s “I want to exercise to improve my mood.” Health isn’t tangible or immediate, but a mood sure is! Now, you’re likely to get excited about yoga or Zumba or your kitchen dance party because it makes you feel HAPPY! Take it from Elle Woods.
There you have it. 3 quick tips for changing your goals and your mindset around them so they actually get realized. Don’t beat yourself up over what you haven’t accomplished this year. That will never lead you to action. Instead, say ohhhhh - that makes sense now! And pivot to desire, behavior, and positive words.
If you want someone to help you reach your nutrition and health goals, then you're in luck, because I do just that. Read more here.