Are you a peanut butter lover like me? Is it hard to imagine that it can get any better? Chia seed makes it just that! (And chocolate. Chocolate and peanut butter for the win, amiright?!)
One More Reason My Son Is My Role Model
Most nights (meaning the nights I remember), we answer a fun question from this Q&A A Day journal. I like these cheesy kind of things and taking a moment at the end of each day to reflect. And truthfully, sometimes…
An Open Letter to My Child: It Won’t Be Easy
Dear child, Don’t you see how much I love you? I would do anything for you, my love. You are the most precious part of life. I created you – I suffered for you – and it was worth every…
Light & Loaded Lasagna Primavera Alfredo: A Healthy & Gluten Free Recipe
I seem to have a thing for cheesy vegetables (evidence here, here, and here). My husband has a thing for lasagna. We work well together.
7 Diet Principles You Won’t See Here
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I hear many assumptions people have of what they expect me to believe regarding food, health, and eating. Most of my nutrition philosophy would probably surprise you (like this article I was quoted in about…