Our Philosophy
We believe you were created to eat - and that it wasn't meant to be hard. Food is the fuel for your body to live the life you love, not something to be feared and controlled. When you can break free from food rules to connect with what makes your body feel its best, your natural eater will be uncovered - making room for more of the things in your life that make you happy.
Our Philosophy
You know what to eat, but you have a hard time consistently doing it. Or maybe you don't know what to eat because you've become so confused about what's actually "healthy."
Here's the thing: We know more about food now than ever before. But we're also more confused about how to feed ourselves than ever before.
Knowledge without connection can only go so far. So while you may (or may not) know what to eat, that's only half of the puzzle. The other half is learning how to connect it to your unique body so that it makes sense for you and it's something you want to keep doing.
Nutrition wasn't meant to be confusing, overwhelming, or restrictive, and it's not reserved for the goal of losing weight or changing your body. No - nutrition is a science that gives us information about how to help your body function at its best so you can live the life you want - while feeling good doing it.
That's why we practice from an intuitive eating, gentle nutrition, and health-at-every-size lens: Because you know your body best and your body wants to help you feel your best. We don't want to tell you what to do (nobody likes that!). Instead, we'll come alongside you on your nutrition goals. We'll teach you basic principles, provide tailored recommendations, and guide you on how to connect with your body so that you're able to make these changes for yourself long-term. You don't need us forever - you just need to know what to do and how to trust yourself to do it.